Food And Water Prepping Guide For First Time Preppers

Hi, my name is Tara Anderson and if you need to know anything about food suppliers, you can read it here in my blog. I became interested in food suppliers when I watched a show about it on television. I had never really thought about where restaurants get their food and while watching the television program I became very interested in these types of companies. After watching the show, I did some research on my own and I learned even more information about food suppliers and how they operate. To enlighten others about food suppliers, I decided to write this blog that explains everything in detail. I hope that you find it just as interesting as I do.

Food And Water Prepping Guide For First Time Preppers

20 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has caused many people to become interested in prepping. News reports about stores running out of basic supplies, including food and water, are cause for concern. While the government is addressing the crisis, it is also important that individuals take precautions to make sure that they are prepared in the event of long-term food and water shortage. This guide is designed for people who have never "prepped" before, but are now determined to do so. This guide will cover water storage and food storage. 

Long-Term Water Storage Options

One of the most basic needs during a crisis is fresh drinking water. If you are concerned about the availability of bottled water, then you should look into purchasing a long-term water storage container. These are designed to safely hold enormous amounts of potable water. These storage containers are perfect in the event that the public water supply runs out, or the supermarkets stop selling bottled water. These containers can be stored in your shed, garage, or other safe indoor area and then used during the event of a water shortage. You can choose several small ones if you want the option of carrying them by hand into and out of your home, or you can get one giant one that will be stationary in your garage or shed and which you can access with a spigot. 

Dry Goods For Long-Term Food

While many people are aware of the idea behind stocking up on canned goods for crisis preparation, another alternative is to have ample dry goods on hand. Dry food in the form of beans, lentils, and other legumes, as well as rice, quinoa, and oats will last for months. Not only are dry goods great because they last a long time, but dry goods also are ideal for storage. You can store them in boxes or large food storage containers in your garage and then scoop out what you need when the time arises. Dry goods are also very cost effective. You can get huge sacks of rice and beans and other dry goods from food suppliers at bulk rate discounts. 

Frozen Fruit and Vegetables If Storage Allows

If you have a large freezer, then it would be advantageous to stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables. If for some reason it becomes impossible to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, a great alternative is to have frozen choices on hand. You can get most vegetables in bulk frozen packages from food suppliers. If you want to streamline your buying process, you can select a mixed vegetable assortment that will provide you with the variety that you need.